Prizes 2024

“Paços’ Premium” International Music Competition – 2023

Competition Prizes

1. There are 3 prizes per category (first, second and third prizes), along with honorable mentions and certificates of participation; no ex-aequo prize shall be awarded in any category.

Category A
1st prize – 900.00€ + 300.00€ for the performance of Recital in one of cultural spaces of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira until 31st of December of 2024* + Trophy
2nd prize – 400.00€ + Trophy
3rd prize – 300.00€ + Trophy

*Recital of Violin and Saxophone, on 8th of November of 2024, at 9.30 p.m., at Municipal Library Auditorium of Santa Maria da Feira.
Recital of Percussion and Bassoon, on 27th of November of 2025, at 5.00 p.m., at the Dr. Arménio Carvalho Auditorium of AMPB.

Category B
1st prize – 500.00€ + Participation in the Opening Concert of the Paços’ Premium 2025 + Trophy
2nd prize – 300.00€ + Trophy
3rd prize – 200.00€ + Trophy

Category C
1st prize – 250.00€ + Trophy
2nd prize – 150.00€ + Trophy
3rd prize – 100.00€ + Trophy

Category D
1st prize – 100.00€ + Trophy
2nd prize – 75.00€ + Trophy
3rd prize – 50.00€ + Trophy

Categories E, F and G
1st prize – Certificate + Trophy
2nd prize – Certificate + Trophy
3rd prize – Certificate + Trophy

2. Revelation Prize: the panel of judges shall select the candidates in each instrument the competition; winners will be invited to take part in the Saint Cecilia Day Concert, on November 22 of 2024, at 6 p.m., at the AMPB Auditorium.

3. Excellence Prize: at the end of the Laureates’ Concert, the committee comprising the Educational Direction of AMPB, a representative of the AMPB Administrative Direction, the Artistic Director or representative of Paços de Brandão International Music Festival and a representative of Youth Wind Band and Symphony Orchestra of Santa Maria da Feira will select the candidate that most stood out during said Concert, who shall be invited to participate in the 48th Paços de Brandão International Music Festival in 2025.

4. Orchestra Prize: also, at the end of the Laureates’s Concert, the commission referred to in point 3, will select the best category A laureate who will receive the Orchestra Prize, performing on 5th of October 2024, with Youth Wind Band and Symphony Orchestra of Santa Maria da Feira, at Centro Cultural de Milheirós de Poiares, at 9:30 p.m. Participants shall be solely responsible for expenses for personal travel and accommodation. The organization is not responsible for the non-use of original scores, nor for copyright payments.

5. Certificate of participation for every candidates.

6. The official awards ceremony shall take place at the Laureates’ Concert, where all winning candidates must to be present, otherwise, they will not be awarded to the respective prizes; if they are minors, they will have to be accompanied by a legal guardian/close relative to collect the monetary prize, under penalty of losing the right to the prize.